Teaching has been a big part of my career. Since my first job as a kindergarten teacher, I have taught students of all ages and levels, and across various disciplines. Below is a list of classes I have taught with teaching material included whenever possible.
I am always happy to share teaching material and brainstorm ideas to create inclusive and nurturing learning environments!
Classes Designed & Taught
The Grandeur of You & The Universe
AS.270.129, 3 credits, Johns Hopkins University, Spring 2022
The class is designed to inquire and explore where each one of us fit in the grand scheme of the cosmos and its exploration, centered around themes and concepts fundamental in Earth, planetary, and space sciences (EPSS). Through the class students learn to understand and narrate creatively how they (all parts of their identity) relate to the story of the universe. The class explores EPSS centered around the core value of empathy.
This class will allow students to master the fundamentals in EPSS, appreciate and relate to scientific discoveries, understand how to be responsible future scientists and citizens cognizant of broad scientific impacts, and develop and enhance various skills to be able to understand and communicate science.
The syllabus for the class can be found here. A freely available online version of the class is in the works, and will become available towards the end of 2022. A Johns Hopkins University magazine article in which the class was featured is linked here, and the accompanying interview is linked below.
Guest Lectures
I am always happy to give guest lectures, and have conducted lectures on the following topics:
Fluid Dynamics, Magnetohydrodynamics, Mathematical Geophysics, Planetary Interiors, AI in Geo & Planetary Sciences, Time Series Analysis and Forecasting, Mantle Convection, Sustainability, Arts in Science, Empathy in Science, Graduate School Skills, Effective & Inclusive Scientific Presentations, ...
All materials created for the different guest lectures are available upon request, if not already linked in the teaching section of the CV.